Joey's Tours Guide

Joey's Tours Guide


旧金山五大景点之一九曲花街 九曲花街的官方名称叫做伦巴底街,是世界上弯曲的街道,一共有八个弯。如果驾车通过,是一项考验技术的挑战!当时的市政府为了防止交通事故,车道两边的花坛里种满了玫瑰,花开时节,远远望去,有如一幅斜挂着的绒绣,美不胜收。也因此得名九曲花街。 Lombard Street is an east–west street in San Francisco, California that is famous for a steep, one-block section with eight hairpin turns. Stretching from The Presidio east to The Embarcadero (with a gap on Telegraph Hill), most of the street's western segment is a major thoroughfare designated as part of U.S. Route 101. The famous one-block section, claimed to be "the crookedest street in the world", is located along the eastern segment in the Russian Hill neighborhood. It is a major tourist attraction, receiving around two million visitors per year and up to 17,000 per day on busy summer weekends, as of 2015.[1]
60 locals recommend
Lombard Street
Lombard Street
60 locals recommend
旧金山五大景点之一九曲花街 九曲花街的官方名称叫做伦巴底街,是世界上弯曲的街道,一共有八个弯。如果驾车通过,是一项考验技术的挑战!当时的市政府为了防止交通事故,车道两边的花坛里种满了玫瑰,花开时节,远远望去,有如一幅斜挂着的绒绣,美不胜收。也因此得名九曲花街。 Lombard Street is an east–west street in San Francisco, California that is famous for a steep, one-block section with eight hairpin turns. Stretching from The Presidio east to The Embarcadero (with a gap on Telegraph Hill), most of the street's western segment is a major thoroughfare designated as part of U.S. Route 101. The famous one-block section, claimed to be "the crookedest street in the world", is located along the eastern segment in the Russian Hill neighborhood. It is a major tourist attraction, receiving around two million visitors per year and up to 17,000 per day on busy summer weekends, as of 2015.[1]
Fisherman's Wharf is a neighborhood and popular tourist attraction in San Francisco, California. It roughly encompasses the northern waterfront area of San Francisco from Ghirardelli Square or Van Ness Avenue east to Pier 35 or Kearny Street. The F Market streetcar runs through the area, the Powell-Hyde cable car lines runs to Aquatic Park, at the edge of Fisherman's Wharf, and the Powell-Mason cable car line runs a few blocks away. 渔人码头是一个很熟悉的名字,因为在全世界很多个地方都有渔人码头,旧金山的渔人码头早前是意大利渔民的主要聚集地方,并且在1989年的时候这里就是美国最火热的旅游景点之一,其火热程度排名前三;
713 locals recommend
Fisherman's Wharf
505 Leavenworth St
713 locals recommend
Fisherman's Wharf is a neighborhood and popular tourist attraction in San Francisco, California. It roughly encompasses the northern waterfront area of San Francisco from Ghirardelli Square or Van Ness Avenue east to Pier 35 or Kearny Street. The F Market streetcar runs through the area, the Powell-Hyde cable car lines runs to Aquatic Park, at the edge of Fisherman's Wharf, and the Powell-Mason cable car line runs a few blocks away. 渔人码头是一个很熟悉的名字,因为在全世界很多个地方都有渔人码头,旧金山的渔人码头早前是意大利渔民的主要聚集地方,并且在1989年的时候这里就是美国最火热的旅游景点之一,其火热程度排名前三;
The Palace of Fine Arts that is in the Marina District of San Francisco, California is a monumental structure originally constructed for the 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition in order to exhibit works of art. Completely rebuilt from 1964 to 1974,it is the only structure from the Exposition that survives on site. 旧金山艺术宫,本来是100年前巴拿马“太平洋万国博览会”所盖的临时建筑之一,却因高超的艺术设计和雄伟壮观的古罗马式宫殿建筑,被当地有识之士和市民联名建议被永久保存下来。这座已经走过100多个年头的艺术宫,已成为旧金山最美的地方之一,也是游客旧金山之行必到的景点之一。这里也是电影《何以笙箫默》拍摄地之一。艺术宫与金门大桥、渔人码头在一条游览线路上,相距不远,艺术宫在中间位置。建议游览线路是先看金门大桥、再看艺术宫,最后到渔人码头,这样的好处是不绕路,而且符合体力消耗的规律,更主要的是最后来渔人码头可以坐下来好好享受海鲜美食了!从金门大桥坐车过来,你可以看到一片片的绿色草坪,美丽的天鹅等鸟类在湖水中游弋,许多孩子和家人带着宠物狗在草坪上快乐玩耍,在古罗马式的宫殿的映衬下,仿佛穿越到了古希腊仙境般的欧式花园,令人心旷神怡!艺术宫这里是不收门票的,很多拍婚纱照的新人都来这里取景留念。在落日晚霞时分过来尤其美。 旧金山是全球同性恋的大本营,同性恋已公开化、合法化!艺术宫,大气宏伟、又典雅精致。主体建筑是一个圆形的大厅,两边对称地修建了两排拱门石柱,仿佛来到了古罗马的宫殿废墟。走入主体建筑,可以看到整个环岛都是艺术雕塑, 罗马式的圆顶配上玫瑰红的石柱,顶面上点缀着精细的浮雕,形态各异,栩栩如生。艺术宫周边的环境优美,绿树成荫,鲜花盛开,水池中还有野鸭和天鹅在翩翩游弋,水中倒映着艺术宫的金色倒影,让人流连忘返。来这里的游客不是很多,但在这里散步、拍婚纱的当地居民很多。艺术宫正面是湖水与绿地,风景超美,也是豪宅汇集地,据说是当地最贵的区域!小编很喜欢这里,个人认为是旧金山必去景点之一,从内部珍稀的展览品,到外部精致的造型和水上倒影,都值得好好欣赏一番。 在这中优美的环境下,沐浴阳光,发发呆,欣赏欣赏艺术,想想都是惬意幸福的。实用贴士: 地址: 3601 Lyon Street, San Francisco, CA 94123 开放时间: 6:00-21:00 门票:免费 交通: 位于市区,有公交车直达这里;如自驾,这里也免费停车; 游览时间:1小时; 线路:附近有金门大桥等著名景点;游览线路是先看金门大桥、再看艺术宫,最后到渔人码头品美食休息; 食宿:就在市区,各类宾馆饭店齐全,附近的渔人码头海鲜很美味!
463 locals recommend
Palace of Fine Arts
3601 Lyon St
463 locals recommend
The Palace of Fine Arts that is in the Marina District of San Francisco, California is a monumental structure originally constructed for the 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition in order to exhibit works of art. Completely rebuilt from 1964 to 1974,it is the only structure from the Exposition that survives on site. 旧金山艺术宫,本来是100年前巴拿马“太平洋万国博览会”所盖的临时建筑之一,却因高超的艺术设计和雄伟壮观的古罗马式宫殿建筑,被当地有识之士和市民联名建议被永久保存下来。这座已经走过100多个年头的艺术宫,已成为旧金山最美的地方之一,也是游客旧金山之行必到的景点之一。这里也是电影《何以笙箫默》拍摄地之一。艺术宫与金门大桥、渔人码头在一条游览线路上,相距不远,艺术宫在中间位置。建议游览线路是先看金门大桥、再看艺术宫,最后到渔人码头,这样的好处是不绕路,而且符合体力消耗的规律,更主要的是最后来渔人码头可以坐下来好好享受海鲜美食了!从金门大桥坐车过来,你可以看到一片片的绿色草坪,美丽的天鹅等鸟类在湖水中游弋,许多孩子和家人带着宠物狗在草坪上快乐玩耍,在古罗马式的宫殿的映衬下,仿佛穿越到了古希腊仙境般的欧式花园,令人心旷神怡!艺术宫这里是不收门票的,很多拍婚纱照的新人都来这里取景留念。在落日晚霞时分过来尤其美。 旧金山是全球同性恋的大本营,同性恋已公开化、合法化!艺术宫,大气宏伟、又典雅精致。主体建筑是一个圆形的大厅,两边对称地修建了两排拱门石柱,仿佛来到了古罗马的宫殿废墟。走入主体建筑,可以看到整个环岛都是艺术雕塑, 罗马式的圆顶配上玫瑰红的石柱,顶面上点缀着精细的浮雕,形态各异,栩栩如生。艺术宫周边的环境优美,绿树成荫,鲜花盛开,水池中还有野鸭和天鹅在翩翩游弋,水中倒映着艺术宫的金色倒影,让人流连忘返。来这里的游客不是很多,但在这里散步、拍婚纱的当地居民很多。艺术宫正面是湖水与绿地,风景超美,也是豪宅汇集地,据说是当地最贵的区域!小编很喜欢这里,个人认为是旧金山必去景点之一,从内部珍稀的展览品,到外部精致的造型和水上倒影,都值得好好欣赏一番。 在这中优美的环境下,沐浴阳光,发发呆,欣赏欣赏艺术,想想都是惬意幸福的。实用贴士: 地址: 3601 Lyon Street, San Francisco, CA 94123 开放时间: 6:00-21:00 门票:免费 交通: 位于市区,有公交车直达这里;如自驾,这里也免费停车; 游览时间:1小时; 线路:附近有金门大桥等著名景点;游览线路是先看金门大桥、再看艺术宫,最后到渔人码头品美食休息; 食宿:就在市区,各类宾馆饭店齐全,附近的渔人码头海鲜很美味!
The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate, the one-mile-wide (1.6 km) strait connecting San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean. The structure links the U.S. city of San Francisco, California—the northern tip of the San Francisco Peninsula—to Marin County, carrying both U.S. Route 101 and California State Route 1 across the strait. It also carries pedestrian and bicycle traffic, and is designated as part of U.S. Bicycle Route 95. Being declared one of the Wonders of the Modern World by the American Society of Civil Engineers, the bridge is one of the most internationally recognized symbols of San Francisco and California. It was initially designed by engineer Joseph Strauss in 1917. 金门大桥是世界著名大桥之一,由于其新颖的结构和超凡脱俗的外观,被桥梁工程界广泛认为是美的典范;被誉为20世纪桥梁工程的一项奇迹,也被认为是旧金山的象征。在淘金热的时候,这座大桥就像通往金矿的一扇大门,因此被称作“金门大桥”。大桥是旧金山最佳的代言人,据统计,每年约有近千万本地或外地游人来这里观赏。这个免费的景点,作为旧金山首屈一指的地标性建筑,成了游人来旧金山旅游的必到之处!金门大桥横跨在旧金山湾与太平洋的交界线之处,无论是桥本身还是周围景色都很唯美,成为旅游者和摄影爱好者的必经之地。大桥两侧建有公园,在公园的大部分区域都能观赏大桥的全貌。金门大桥不仅参观免费,停车场也是免费的,最好的方式是乘车过来或开车过来把车停在停车场,然后现在桥头公园浏览大桥全景,随后在徒步或租辆自行车到大桥的人行道上欣赏大桥以及海湾美景!在大桥人行道步行或骑车都是免费的,如果开车过桥是需要付费的,8.5美元,电子缴费。 站在大桥中部区域,从桥面高点可以欣赏大桥的全景,还可以俯瞰海湾的船只往来,这里也能遥望旧金山市区,还可以看到著名的恶魔岛。还可以在渔人码头坐游轮观看金门大桥,从海上观看大桥与两侧山脉,壮伟无比。 这座红色的大桥,颜色并不正,而是红、黄和黑混合出来的的橘红色。这个颜色一是增添大桥与海湾形成强烈的对比,加强美感,也是通过不断刷漆还保护桥梁。因为大桥是全部的钢结构,这里浓雾较多,容易生锈,所有刷漆有助于保护钢索及桥面,据说目前全部悬吊钢索分时分段都已更新过。金门大桥于1937年建成通车,已经80年了。它的名气随着时间的推移也越来越大,除了建筑奇迹以及自然美景以外,也因为它是全球“自杀圣地”之一。据粗略统计,在过去80年间,共有1500多人从大桥上一跃而下,平均每年20人。由于桥面很高,自杀者几乎没有生还的希望。旧金山气候温和,这里四季皆宜,在雾天游玩还可以观赏到雾中金门的美景。 机场离大桥不远,飞机起降,多数情况下都能欣赏到大桥的美景。实用贴士: 门票:免费;开放时间:全天。 游玩时间:1小时;
1321 locals recommend
Golden Gate Bridge
Golden Gate Bridge
1321 locals recommend
The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate, the one-mile-wide (1.6 km) strait connecting San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean. The structure links the U.S. city of San Francisco, California—the northern tip of the San Francisco Peninsula—to Marin County, carrying both U.S. Route 101 and California State Route 1 across the strait. It also carries pedestrian and bicycle traffic, and is designated as part of U.S. Bicycle Route 95. Being declared one of the Wonders of the Modern World by the American Society of Civil Engineers, the bridge is one of the most internationally recognized symbols of San Francisco and California. It was initially designed by engineer Joseph Strauss in 1917. 金门大桥是世界著名大桥之一,由于其新颖的结构和超凡脱俗的外观,被桥梁工程界广泛认为是美的典范;被誉为20世纪桥梁工程的一项奇迹,也被认为是旧金山的象征。在淘金热的时候,这座大桥就像通往金矿的一扇大门,因此被称作“金门大桥”。大桥是旧金山最佳的代言人,据统计,每年约有近千万本地或外地游人来这里观赏。这个免费的景点,作为旧金山首屈一指的地标性建筑,成了游人来旧金山旅游的必到之处!金门大桥横跨在旧金山湾与太平洋的交界线之处,无论是桥本身还是周围景色都很唯美,成为旅游者和摄影爱好者的必经之地。大桥两侧建有公园,在公园的大部分区域都能观赏大桥的全貌。金门大桥不仅参观免费,停车场也是免费的,最好的方式是乘车过来或开车过来把车停在停车场,然后现在桥头公园浏览大桥全景,随后在徒步或租辆自行车到大桥的人行道上欣赏大桥以及海湾美景!在大桥人行道步行或骑车都是免费的,如果开车过桥是需要付费的,8.5美元,电子缴费。 站在大桥中部区域,从桥面高点可以欣赏大桥的全景,还可以俯瞰海湾的船只往来,这里也能遥望旧金山市区,还可以看到著名的恶魔岛。还可以在渔人码头坐游轮观看金门大桥,从海上观看大桥与两侧山脉,壮伟无比。 这座红色的大桥,颜色并不正,而是红、黄和黑混合出来的的橘红色。这个颜色一是增添大桥与海湾形成强烈的对比,加强美感,也是通过不断刷漆还保护桥梁。因为大桥是全部的钢结构,这里浓雾较多,容易生锈,所有刷漆有助于保护钢索及桥面,据说目前全部悬吊钢索分时分段都已更新过。金门大桥于1937年建成通车,已经80年了。它的名气随着时间的推移也越来越大,除了建筑奇迹以及自然美景以外,也因为它是全球“自杀圣地”之一。据粗略统计,在过去80年间,共有1500多人从大桥上一跃而下,平均每年20人。由于桥面很高,自杀者几乎没有生还的希望。旧金山气候温和,这里四季皆宜,在雾天游玩还可以观赏到雾中金门的美景。 机场离大桥不远,飞机起降,多数情况下都能欣赏到大桥的美景。实用贴士: 门票:免费;开放时间:全天。 游玩时间:1小时;
Alcatraz Island (/ˈælkəˌtræz/, Latin-American Spanish pronunciation: [alkaˈtɾas], European Spanish pronunciation: [alkaˈtɾaθ][4] from Arabic: الْغَطَّاس, romanized: al-ḡaṭṭās, lit. 'gannet ("the diver")') is located in San Francisco Bay, 1.25 miles (2.01 km) offshore from San Francisco, California, United States. The small island was developed with facilities for a lighthouse, a military fortification, a military prison, and a federal prison, the latter operated from August 11, 1934, until March 21, 1963. The strong currents around the island and cold water temperatures made escape all but impossible.[5] Since the late 20th century, it has become a major tourist attraction. 距离渔人码头3千米的地方有一个小岛,这里曾经是联邦政府的监狱。1934-1963年间是关押拐卖人口犯、银行抢劫犯、越狱犯的地方。很多有名的罪犯如卡彭 (Al Capone)、机关枪凯利(George Celino Barnes)和鸟人斯特劳 德(Robert Stroud)都曾在此关过。虽然恶魔岛监狱号称从来没有罪犯在此成功逃脱,但是曾经有三人逃出,因为需要越过有许多暗流和鲨鱼的水域,所以没人知道最后他们有没有活下来。恶魔岛监狱所有的窗口都不对着旧金山,在感恩节圣诞节的时候,城里的欢声 语打到礁石上再透过窗口传入监狱,很多犯人都忍受不住这种精神折磨。有很多电影来源或者拍摄于此,例如《勇闯夺命岛》等。 地址:1398 The Embarcadero,San Francisco,CA 94133 交通:到达港口一般坐BART或者Muni在Embarcadero下之后换乘F路Muni巴士(F-Market & Wharves),或者乘搭F、8BX、 8X路Muni巴士,有的线路下车后也需要走一小段。从33号港口(Pier 33)出发,不到10分钟就能到恶魔岛监狱。 电话:(415)981-7625 时间&票价:有附加耳机费和不附耳机两种价格,因季节变动,出发之前请查询网站可银联卡支付) 网址,花园团队游) Tips:1.至少提前两周订票,进监狱时,会拿到一个有声导览的装置,有中文服务。 2.打印订单后到33号码头Pre-paid窗口取票,当天出发前1小时取票,如果不换票打印出来的单子在登船时有工作人员扫描 3.需携带付款人带照片的有效证件、付款信用卡 4.提前30分钟登船,开船前10分钟没登船,船位就会转移给别人 5.33号码头无停车位,渔人码头附近有,但是很难找且有2小时的限制,游览恶魔岛时间是不够的,如果开车前往至少预留出45分钟 6.从码头到牢房有一段很陡的上坡路,一般在岛上花费2-3小时 7.岛上除了水没有任何食物,只有轮渡码头允许野餐 8.岛上天气变化快,常常有风 9.官网退票需要提前72小时申请
503 locals recommend
Alcatraz Island
503 locals recommend
Alcatraz Island (/ˈælkəˌtræz/, Latin-American Spanish pronunciation: [alkaˈtɾas], European Spanish pronunciation: [alkaˈtɾaθ][4] from Arabic: الْغَطَّاس, romanized: al-ḡaṭṭās, lit. 'gannet ("the diver")') is located in San Francisco Bay, 1.25 miles (2.01 km) offshore from San Francisco, California, United States. The small island was developed with facilities for a lighthouse, a military fortification, a military prison, and a federal prison, the latter operated from August 11, 1934, until March 21, 1963. The strong currents around the island and cold water temperatures made escape all but impossible.[5] Since the late 20th century, it has become a major tourist attraction. 距离渔人码头3千米的地方有一个小岛,这里曾经是联邦政府的监狱。1934-1963年间是关押拐卖人口犯、银行抢劫犯、越狱犯的地方。很多有名的罪犯如卡彭 (Al Capone)、机关枪凯利(George Celino Barnes)和鸟人斯特劳 德(Robert Stroud)都曾在此关过。虽然恶魔岛监狱号称从来没有罪犯在此成功逃脱,但是曾经有三人逃出,因为需要越过有许多暗流和鲨鱼的水域,所以没人知道最后他们有没有活下来。恶魔岛监狱所有的窗口都不对着旧金山,在感恩节圣诞节的时候,城里的欢声 语打到礁石上再透过窗口传入监狱,很多犯人都忍受不住这种精神折磨。有很多电影来源或者拍摄于此,例如《勇闯夺命岛》等。 地址:1398 The Embarcadero,San Francisco,CA 94133 交通:到达港口一般坐BART或者Muni在Embarcadero下之后换乘F路Muni巴士(F-Market & Wharves),或者乘搭F、8BX、 8X路Muni巴士,有的线路下车后也需要走一小段。从33号港口(Pier 33)出发,不到10分钟就能到恶魔岛监狱。 电话:(415)981-7625 时间&票价:有附加耳机费和不附耳机两种价格,因季节变动,出发之前请查询网站可银联卡支付) 网址,花园团队游) Tips:1.至少提前两周订票,进监狱时,会拿到一个有声导览的装置,有中文服务。 2.打印订单后到33号码头Pre-paid窗口取票,当天出发前1小时取票,如果不换票打印出来的单子在登船时有工作人员扫描 3.需携带付款人带照片的有效证件、付款信用卡 4.提前30分钟登船,开船前10分钟没登船,船位就会转移给别人 5.33号码头无停车位,渔人码头附近有,但是很难找且有2小时的限制,游览恶魔岛时间是不够的,如果开车前往至少预留出45分钟 6.从码头到牢房有一段很陡的上坡路,一般在岛上花费2-3小时 7.岛上除了水没有任何食物,只有轮渡码头允许野餐 8.岛上天气变化快,常常有风 9.官网退票需要提前72小时申请
The California Academy of Sciences is a research institute and natural history museum in San Francisco, California, that is among the largest museums of natural history in the world, housing over 46 million specimens.[3] The Academy began in 1853 as a learned society and still carries out a large amount of original research. The institution is located at the Golden Gate Park in San Francisco 加州科学博物馆,全美第一座综括海陆空生物,融合教育、展览、研究于一体的自然博物馆。非常值得一去,分成若干区域,除了可以看到很多动物和植物标本的展出,还有身临其境的热带雨林区,体验地震和大雾等体验区,海洋动物区等等,4D影院讲述了关于珊瑚的保护,服务人员的讲解也非常专业,体验度非常棒。
816 locals recommend
California Academy of Sciences
55 Music Concourse Dr
816 locals recommend
The California Academy of Sciences is a research institute and natural history museum in San Francisco, California, that is among the largest museums of natural history in the world, housing over 46 million specimens.[3] The Academy began in 1853 as a learned society and still carries out a large amount of original research. The institution is located at the Golden Gate Park in San Francisco 加州科学博物馆,全美第一座综括海陆空生物,融合教育、展览、研究于一体的自然博物馆。非常值得一去,分成若干区域,除了可以看到很多动物和植物标本的展出,还有身临其境的热带雨林区,体验地震和大雾等体验区,海洋动物区等等,4D影院讲述了关于珊瑚的保护,服务人员的讲解也非常专业,体验度非常棒。
The de Young Museum, formally the M. H. de Young Memorial Museum, is a fine arts museum located in San Francisco, California. Located in Golden Gate Park, it is a component of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, along with the Legion of Honor. The de Young is named for early San Francisco newspaperman M. H. de Young. 笛洋美术馆(de Young Museum),位于金门公园内,经常展出当前最流行的美术作品。 De Young Museum加州这边比较有名的艺术博物馆,门票10块钱,有学生优惠。网址在这里。博物馆挺大的,但如果不是狂爱艺术的半天就够了。强烈推荐博物馆的Tower,这个观景塔的关门时间比博物馆的展览早,所以建议先安排去这里游览。在去Tower之前的楼梯口和走道上有不少以灯光和造型设计为基础的艺术品,个人非常的喜欢。这个Tower顶层可以俯瞰整个公园和旧金山市中心,还可以看到一点点金门大桥哦。顶楼的玻璃仿佛一个大滤镜,拍出来的照片直接就有滤镜的效果了,相当惊人。楼下展览区按照主题氛围几个区域,有现代色调柔和的瓷器雕塑区,有风格明显的非洲区,还有现代艺术展品的展示。有一幅画像是拿全钻石拼成的相当耀眼。博物馆露天的部分草坪上有不少好玩的雕塑,喜欢的也可以过去拍照留念。
999 locals recommend
de Young Museum
50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Dr
999 locals recommend
The de Young Museum, formally the M. H. de Young Memorial Museum, is a fine arts museum located in San Francisco, California. Located in Golden Gate Park, it is a component of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, along with the Legion of Honor. The de Young is named for early San Francisco newspaperman M. H. de Young. 笛洋美术馆(de Young Museum),位于金门公园内,经常展出当前最流行的美术作品。 De Young Museum加州这边比较有名的艺术博物馆,门票10块钱,有学生优惠。网址在这里。博物馆挺大的,但如果不是狂爱艺术的半天就够了。强烈推荐博物馆的Tower,这个观景塔的关门时间比博物馆的展览早,所以建议先安排去这里游览。在去Tower之前的楼梯口和走道上有不少以灯光和造型设计为基础的艺术品,个人非常的喜欢。这个Tower顶层可以俯瞰整个公园和旧金山市中心,还可以看到一点点金门大桥哦。顶楼的玻璃仿佛一个大滤镜,拍出来的照片直接就有滤镜的效果了,相当惊人。楼下展览区按照主题氛围几个区域,有现代色调柔和的瓷器雕塑区,有风格明显的非洲区,还有现代艺术展品的展示。有一幅画像是拿全钻石拼成的相当耀眼。博物馆露天的部分草坪上有不少好玩的雕塑,喜欢的也可以过去拍照留念。
The California Academy of Sciences is a research institute and natural history museum in San Francisco, California, that is among the largest museums of natural history in the world, housing over 46 million specimens.[3] The Academy began in 1853 as a learned society and still carries out a large amount of original research.[4] The institution is located at the Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. 亚洲科学研究院(California Academy of Sciences),和笛洋美术馆距离非常近,是世界上最大型的自然历史博物馆,也是美国最为新颖的博物馆之一。
816 locals recommend
California Academy of Sciences
55 Music Concourse Dr
816 locals recommend
The California Academy of Sciences is a research institute and natural history museum in San Francisco, California, that is among the largest museums of natural history in the world, housing over 46 million specimens.[3] The Academy began in 1853 as a learned society and still carries out a large amount of original research.[4] The institution is located at the Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. 亚洲科学研究院(California Academy of Sciences),和笛洋美术馆距离非常近,是世界上最大型的自然历史博物馆,也是美国最为新颖的博物馆之一。
Pier 39 is a shopping center and popular tourist attraction built on a pier in San Francisco, California. At Pier 39, there are shops, restaurants, a video arcade, street performances, the Aquarium of the Bay, virtual 3D rides, and views of California sea lions hauled out on docks on Pier 39's marina. A two-story carousel is one of the pier's more dominant features, although it is not directly visible from the street and sits towards the end of the pier. The family-oriented entertainment and presence of marine mammals make this a popular tourist location for families with kids. 渔人码头是旧金山一处人气很旺的景点,那里原来是渔民出海捕鱼的港口,现经过商业包装,形成了有独具特色的休闲、文化地段。其中最为出名的便是第39号码头,是旧金山的象征之一。 这里开了许多各式餐饮店家,尤以海鲜为多。海边可以看到成群结队懒洋洋晒着太阳的海狮,远处则可以看到著名的金门大桥.
416 locals recommend
Pier 39
The Embarcadero
416 locals recommend
Pier 39 is a shopping center and popular tourist attraction built on a pier in San Francisco, California. At Pier 39, there are shops, restaurants, a video arcade, street performances, the Aquarium of the Bay, virtual 3D rides, and views of California sea lions hauled out on docks on Pier 39's marina. A two-story carousel is one of the pier's more dominant features, although it is not directly visible from the street and sits towards the end of the pier. The family-oriented entertainment and presence of marine mammals make this a popular tourist location for families with kids. 渔人码头是旧金山一处人气很旺的景点,那里原来是渔民出海捕鱼的港口,现经过商业包装,形成了有独具特色的休闲、文化地段。其中最为出名的便是第39号码头,是旧金山的象征之一。 这里开了许多各式餐饮店家,尤以海鲜为多。海边可以看到成群结队懒洋洋晒着太阳的海狮,远处则可以看到著名的金门大桥.
The San Francisco cable car system is the world's last manually operated cable car system. An icon of San Francisco, the cable car system forms part of the intermodal urban transport network operated by the San Francisco Municipal Railway. Of the 23 lines established between 1873 and 1890, only three remain (one of which combines parts of two earlier lines): two routes from downtown near Union Square to Fisherman's Wharf, and a third route along California Street. While the cable cars are used to a certain extent by commuters, the vast majority of the millions of passengers who use the system every year are tourists, and as a result, the wait to get on can often reach two hours or more. They are among the most significant tourist attractions in the city, along with Alcatraz Island, the Golden Gate Bridge, and Fisherman's Wharf. Cable Car也叫叮当车,是1869年由Andrew Smith Hallidie发明的。因为旧金山市区山路非常多,只有行人和马车的交通非常不方便。当时科技还不发达,没有电力汽车。Hallidie运用他擅长的Cable(缆线)技术,拖拽汽车,解决了旧金山市区的交通问题。1873年,第一步Cable Car正式运行,随后Cable Car的线路遍布旧金山市区。但由于1906年的地震,大部分Cable Car的缆线被毁。而且随着人类技术的发展,汽车取代了Cable Car。不过旧金山市依然决定恢复三条Cable Car线路,这成为游览旧金山市的一大旅游项目之一。因为想体验一下Cable Car在网上研究了很久,为了方便他人,先总结一下线路和费用等。 Cable Car的官方网站上有三套线路的地图,三条线路分别为:Powell-Mason线、Powell- Hyde线和California Street线。前两条都可以到达渔人码头区域;Powell-Hyde途径九曲花街;在Powell-Manson和Powell-Hyde分开的地方有个Cable Car Museum(博物馆),可以看地下的Cable如何拖拽Cable Car行驶的;California街沿线有个Grace Cathedral漂亮的天主教教堂,里面竟然还有八卦图的挂件。单独一次乘坐每次5美金,上车交钱即可,只接受现金;在Cable Car沿线,大概每隔一条街的街角就有车站牌,非常好找。你也可以选择购买一天或多天的pass,乘坐多次比较合适。这个体验非常独特,建议多乘坐几次。
207 locals recommend
San Francisco Cable Car Museum
1201 Mason St
207 locals recommend
The San Francisco cable car system is the world's last manually operated cable car system. An icon of San Francisco, the cable car system forms part of the intermodal urban transport network operated by the San Francisco Municipal Railway. Of the 23 lines established between 1873 and 1890, only three remain (one of which combines parts of two earlier lines): two routes from downtown near Union Square to Fisherman's Wharf, and a third route along California Street. While the cable cars are used to a certain extent by commuters, the vast majority of the millions of passengers who use the system every year are tourists, and as a result, the wait to get on can often reach two hours or more. They are among the most significant tourist attractions in the city, along with Alcatraz Island, the Golden Gate Bridge, and Fisherman's Wharf. Cable Car也叫叮当车,是1869年由Andrew Smith Hallidie发明的。因为旧金山市区山路非常多,只有行人和马车的交通非常不方便。当时科技还不发达,没有电力汽车。Hallidie运用他擅长的Cable(缆线)技术,拖拽汽车,解决了旧金山市区的交通问题。1873年,第一步Cable Car正式运行,随后Cable Car的线路遍布旧金山市区。但由于1906年的地震,大部分Cable Car的缆线被毁。而且随着人类技术的发展,汽车取代了Cable Car。不过旧金山市依然决定恢复三条Cable Car线路,这成为游览旧金山市的一大旅游项目之一。因为想体验一下Cable Car在网上研究了很久,为了方便他人,先总结一下线路和费用等。 Cable Car的官方网站上有三套线路的地图,三条线路分别为:Powell-Mason线、Powell- Hyde线和California Street线。前两条都可以到达渔人码头区域;Powell-Hyde途径九曲花街;在Powell-Manson和Powell-Hyde分开的地方有个Cable Car Museum(博物馆),可以看地下的Cable如何拖拽Cable Car行驶的;California街沿线有个Grace Cathedral漂亮的天主教教堂,里面竟然还有八卦图的挂件。单独一次乘坐每次5美金,上车交钱即可,只接受现金;在Cable Car沿线,大概每隔一条街的街角就有车站牌,非常好找。你也可以选择购买一天或多天的pass,乘坐多次比较合适。这个体验非常独特,建议多乘坐几次。
Golden Gate Park, located in San Francisco, California, United States, is a large urban park consisting of 1,017 acres (412 ha) of public grounds. It is administered by the San Francisco Recreation & Parks Department, which began in 1871 to oversee the development of Golden Gate Park. Configured as a rectangle, it is similar in shape to but 20 percent larger than Central Park in New York City, to which it is often compared. It is over three miles (4.8 km) long east to west, and about half a mile (0.8 km) north to south.[3] With 24 million visitors annually, Golden Gate is the third most-visited city park in the United States after Central Park and the Lincoln Memorial. 从金门公园(Golden Gate Park)一头走到另一头,足足步行三个小时。风很大,一会儿下雨,一会儿停,我们的伞翻船好多次。身上穿着防雨冲锋衣,书包都湿了,最后到了太平洋海岸(Beach Ocean)。眼前的大洋呈灰色,白色大浪一阵阵翻滚,海边还有人在遛狗。在毛毛细雨中我们躲进海滨的餐厅,一座二层小楼。一楼墙上有很多反映当年海滨人们生活的壁画,有卖纪念品的。楼上是餐厅,靠窗坐下,雨水顺着窗户直流,看不到外面清晰场景。我们点了啤酒和汉堡,薯条,连休息呆了近两个小时,加上小费花了45美元。下午天晴了,大洋恢复了平静。这是旧金山五日旅行中最难忘的记忆,餐食虽然简单,但是我们又一次面对浩瀚的大洋用餐很有意思。从地图上看金门园呈长方形,长4000多米,宽800多米,公园从旧金山市中心一直延续到到太平洋海滨,横跨53条街。我们游览过纽约中央公园,金门公园比中央公园面积大20%,绿色植被和高大植株更多,游人少,更显自然本色。金门公园也是1894年的世博会旧址,有不少建筑是当年建造的。公园里的笛洋美术馆,加州科学院,音乐广场区,基泽体育场等很有名气,我们时间有限更喜欢步行,只参观了旧金山植物园(San Francisco Botanical Garden )。中式建筑金门亭建于1981年,大红柱子上写着,中华隔洋飞渡金门西望天涯金若比邻,美洲留胜地登临文物东来海内喜存知己,是为纪念华侨先驱创业奋斗精神及台北/金门结成姐妹城市建造的。日本茶公园是1969年居住在旧金山的日侨为纪念日本移民先驱抵达金门海岸100周年而建。
1721 locals recommend
Golden Gate Park
1721 locals recommend
Golden Gate Park, located in San Francisco, California, United States, is a large urban park consisting of 1,017 acres (412 ha) of public grounds. It is administered by the San Francisco Recreation & Parks Department, which began in 1871 to oversee the development of Golden Gate Park. Configured as a rectangle, it is similar in shape to but 20 percent larger than Central Park in New York City, to which it is often compared. It is over three miles (4.8 km) long east to west, and about half a mile (0.8 km) north to south.[3] With 24 million visitors annually, Golden Gate is the third most-visited city park in the United States after Central Park and the Lincoln Memorial. 从金门公园(Golden Gate Park)一头走到另一头,足足步行三个小时。风很大,一会儿下雨,一会儿停,我们的伞翻船好多次。身上穿着防雨冲锋衣,书包都湿了,最后到了太平洋海岸(Beach Ocean)。眼前的大洋呈灰色,白色大浪一阵阵翻滚,海边还有人在遛狗。在毛毛细雨中我们躲进海滨的餐厅,一座二层小楼。一楼墙上有很多反映当年海滨人们生活的壁画,有卖纪念品的。楼上是餐厅,靠窗坐下,雨水顺着窗户直流,看不到外面清晰场景。我们点了啤酒和汉堡,薯条,连休息呆了近两个小时,加上小费花了45美元。下午天晴了,大洋恢复了平静。这是旧金山五日旅行中最难忘的记忆,餐食虽然简单,但是我们又一次面对浩瀚的大洋用餐很有意思。从地图上看金门园呈长方形,长4000多米,宽800多米,公园从旧金山市中心一直延续到到太平洋海滨,横跨53条街。我们游览过纽约中央公园,金门公园比中央公园面积大20%,绿色植被和高大植株更多,游人少,更显自然本色。金门公园也是1894年的世博会旧址,有不少建筑是当年建造的。公园里的笛洋美术馆,加州科学院,音乐广场区,基泽体育场等很有名气,我们时间有限更喜欢步行,只参观了旧金山植物园(San Francisco Botanical Garden )。中式建筑金门亭建于1981年,大红柱子上写着,中华隔洋飞渡金门西望天涯金若比邻,美洲留胜地登临文物东来海内喜存知己,是为纪念华侨先驱创业奋斗精神及台北/金门结成姐妹城市建造的。日本茶公园是1969年居住在旧金山的日侨为纪念日本移民先驱抵达金门海岸100周年而建。
The Japanese Tea Garden (Japanese: 日本茶園) in San Francisco, California, is a popular feature of Golden Gate Park, originally built as part of a sprawling World's Fair, the California Midwinter International Exposition of 1894. Though many of its attractions are still a part of the garden today, there have been changes throughout the history of the garden that have shaped it into what it is today. 日本茶园(Japanese Tea Garden)是美国旧金山金门公园的一个热门景点,最初为1894年加利福尼亚世界博览会兴建。 日本茶园是美国最古老的日本庭园,占地5英亩(20000平方米),许多小径,池塘,桥梁,和一个茶室,日本和中国植物藏身其中。 幸运饼在美国最早出现在日本茶园。萩原诚的后裔声称将幸运饼从日本介绍到美国。参观花园的游客可以吃到旧金山Benkyodo点心铺制作的幸运饼[1]。现在得知幸运饼在1878年起源于日本.
348 locals recommend
Japanese Tea Garden
75 Hagiwara Tea Garden Dr
348 locals recommend
The Japanese Tea Garden (Japanese: 日本茶園) in San Francisco, California, is a popular feature of Golden Gate Park, originally built as part of a sprawling World's Fair, the California Midwinter International Exposition of 1894. Though many of its attractions are still a part of the garden today, there have been changes throughout the history of the garden that have shaped it into what it is today. 日本茶园(Japanese Tea Garden)是美国旧金山金门公园的一个热门景点,最初为1894年加利福尼亚世界博览会兴建。 日本茶园是美国最古老的日本庭园,占地5英亩(20000平方米),许多小径,池塘,桥梁,和一个茶室,日本和中国植物藏身其中。 幸运饼在美国最早出现在日本茶园。萩原诚的后裔声称将幸运饼从日本介绍到美国。参观花园的游客可以吃到旧金山Benkyodo点心铺制作的幸运饼[1]。现在得知幸运饼在1878年起源于日本.
The Chinatown centered on Grant Avenue and Stockton Street in San Francisco, California, (Chinese: 唐人街; pinyin: tángrénjiē; Jyutping: tong4 jan4 gaai1) is the oldest Chinatown in North America and the largest Chinese enclave outside Asia. It is also the oldest and largest of the four notable Chinese enclaves within San Francisco.Since its establishment in 1848, it has been highly important and influential in the history and culture of ethnic Chinese immigrants in North America. Chinatown is an enclave that continues to retain its own customs, languages, places of worship, social clubs, and identity. There are two hospitals, several parks and squares, numerous churches, a post office, and other infrastructure. Recent immigrants, many of whom are elderly, opt to live in Chinatown because of the availability of affordable housing and their familiarity with the culture.San Francisco's Chinatown is also renowned as a major tourist attraction, drawing more visitors 北美洲最古老的唐人街就在舊金山啦,也是世界上除亞洲之外最大的華人聚居區!也是舊金山市人口密度最高的地區。大老遠看到一個充滿中國風的牌樓,上面寫著「天下為公」,這裡就是中國成了!行道上隨時可聽到廣東語和國語,處處是熟悉的亞洲食物,所見所聞會懷疑自己根本不在美國! 地址:Grant Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94108
551 locals recommend
551 locals recommend
The Chinatown centered on Grant Avenue and Stockton Street in San Francisco, California, (Chinese: 唐人街; pinyin: tángrénjiē; Jyutping: tong4 jan4 gaai1) is the oldest Chinatown in North America and the largest Chinese enclave outside Asia. It is also the oldest and largest of the four notable Chinese enclaves within San Francisco.Since its establishment in 1848, it has been highly important and influential in the history and culture of ethnic Chinese immigrants in North America. Chinatown is an enclave that continues to retain its own customs, languages, places of worship, social clubs, and identity. There are two hospitals, several parks and squares, numerous churches, a post office, and other infrastructure. Recent immigrants, many of whom are elderly, opt to live in Chinatown because of the availability of affordable housing and their familiarity with the culture.San Francisco's Chinatown is also renowned as a major tourist attraction, drawing more visitors 北美洲最古老的唐人街就在舊金山啦,也是世界上除亞洲之外最大的華人聚居區!也是舊金山市人口密度最高的地區。大老遠看到一個充滿中國風的牌樓,上面寫著「天下為公」,這裡就是中國成了!行道上隨時可聽到廣東語和國語,處處是熟悉的亞洲食物,所見所聞會懷疑自己根本不在美國! 地址:Grant Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94108
San Francisco City Hall is the seat of government for the City and County of San Francisco, California. Re-opened in 1915 in its open space area in the city's Civic Center, it is a Beaux-Arts monument to the City Beautiful movement that epitomized the high-minded American Renaissance of the 1880s to 1917. The structure's dome is taller than that of the United States Capitol by 42 feet (13 m). The present building replaced an earlier City Hall that was destroyed during the 1906 earthquake, which was two blocks from the present one. 旧金山市政厅是一座美国有名的公共建筑之一。这座1915年的美丽建筑,走过了一百年的岁月,越发展现出其独特的魅力!这座外观带有美国国会大厦影子的圆顶建筑,远远望去,宛如宫殿般庄重威严,作为旧金山地标性建筑之一,作为当地政府办公的政府机构,很受游客的欢迎。旧金山市政厅前面前面有个很大的广场,两旁长满了梧桐树,也插着各色旗帜,当然为主的是美国的国旗。广场的两侧设有停车场,但车辆非常多。其实,这里作为政府机构,公交车很便利,由于市政厅平时是免费面向当地市民和游客开放的,所以每天来参观的人很多,甚至很多新人也来这里拍婚纱照,还有不少市民团体把这里当做集体活动的场地!政府首脑或政治人物也常会在这里举行发布会或演讲;也有不少团体来这里举办各类机会,甚至这里也是流浪汉的聚集地。总之,在这里你能见识许多平时见不到的人或事,无需大惊小怪!街头的流浪汉如果进入市政厅参观,无需登记也不用什么门票,只要通过门口的安检就可以了。 进门就是高挑的市政大厅,很壮观的样子,比起在外面所见更加震撼!四周雕满精美的塑像,有种仿佛走进皇家宫廷的感觉。 通往二楼的是非常高大的石阶,看起来非常有感觉,许多新人也在这里拍摄婚纱。登上二楼,是一个环形的走廊,在走廊上可近距离的欣赏那些精致的雕像,也可以俯瞰大厅内部。二楼的一角则是市长的办公室,202室,门口有两座半身人像,门口没有保安或秘书之类。隔壁还有财税管理办公室等等。 返回一楼继续参观,左边是市政厅工作人员的办公室,透过门窗能看到男女职员们忙碌的身影,这种开放透明的工作工作很是新奇。 旁边的会议室还在召开会议,门半开着,你可以静悄悄进入拍照参观,切记不要大声喧哗。 旧金山华人比例很高,这里也能感觉出来,入口处的屏幕有中文界面,看到当地居民进进出出办理事务,很多是华人面孔。市政厅一层有陈列室和供市民使用的多功能厅。 实用贴士: 地址: Off Of Van Ness, San Francisco, CA 94118 门票:免费;
134 locals recommend
San Francisco City Hall
1 Dr Carlton B Goodlett Pl
134 locals recommend
San Francisco City Hall is the seat of government for the City and County of San Francisco, California. Re-opened in 1915 in its open space area in the city's Civic Center, it is a Beaux-Arts monument to the City Beautiful movement that epitomized the high-minded American Renaissance of the 1880s to 1917. The structure's dome is taller than that of the United States Capitol by 42 feet (13 m). The present building replaced an earlier City Hall that was destroyed during the 1906 earthquake, which was two blocks from the present one. 旧金山市政厅是一座美国有名的公共建筑之一。这座1915年的美丽建筑,走过了一百年的岁月,越发展现出其独特的魅力!这座外观带有美国国会大厦影子的圆顶建筑,远远望去,宛如宫殿般庄重威严,作为旧金山地标性建筑之一,作为当地政府办公的政府机构,很受游客的欢迎。旧金山市政厅前面前面有个很大的广场,两旁长满了梧桐树,也插着各色旗帜,当然为主的是美国的国旗。广场的两侧设有停车场,但车辆非常多。其实,这里作为政府机构,公交车很便利,由于市政厅平时是免费面向当地市民和游客开放的,所以每天来参观的人很多,甚至很多新人也来这里拍婚纱照,还有不少市民团体把这里当做集体活动的场地!政府首脑或政治人物也常会在这里举行发布会或演讲;也有不少团体来这里举办各类机会,甚至这里也是流浪汉的聚集地。总之,在这里你能见识许多平时见不到的人或事,无需大惊小怪!街头的流浪汉如果进入市政厅参观,无需登记也不用什么门票,只要通过门口的安检就可以了。 进门就是高挑的市政大厅,很壮观的样子,比起在外面所见更加震撼!四周雕满精美的塑像,有种仿佛走进皇家宫廷的感觉。 通往二楼的是非常高大的石阶,看起来非常有感觉,许多新人也在这里拍摄婚纱。登上二楼,是一个环形的走廊,在走廊上可近距离的欣赏那些精致的雕像,也可以俯瞰大厅内部。二楼的一角则是市长的办公室,202室,门口有两座半身人像,门口没有保安或秘书之类。隔壁还有财税管理办公室等等。 返回一楼继续参观,左边是市政厅工作人员的办公室,透过门窗能看到男女职员们忙碌的身影,这种开放透明的工作工作很是新奇。 旁边的会议室还在召开会议,门半开着,你可以静悄悄进入拍照参观,切记不要大声喧哗。 旧金山华人比例很高,这里也能感觉出来,入口处的屏幕有中文界面,看到当地居民进进出出办理事务,很多是华人面孔。市政厅一层有陈列室和供市民使用的多功能厅。 实用贴士: 地址: Off Of Van Ness, San Francisco, CA 94118 门票:免费;
Alamo Square is a residential neighborhood and park in San Francisco, California, in the Western Addition. Its boundaries are Buchanan Street on the east,Turk Street on the north, Baker Street on the west, and Page Street Street on the south. 阿拉莫廣場 Alamo Square 每座城市都有因為當時時空背景所留下的建築,亞拉摩公園有六幢經常出現在舊金山明信片的維多利亞建築。來到亞拉摩公園,每一幢房子都可愛的像在童話故事裡。「六姐妹屋 Six Sisters」是許多人來到這必訪的建築,這六間房子是在某年舊金山8級大地震中,唯一沒受到影響的! 地址:Hayes & Scott Sts
390 locals recommend
Alamo Square
390 locals recommend
Alamo Square is a residential neighborhood and park in San Francisco, California, in the Western Addition. Its boundaries are Buchanan Street on the east,Turk Street on the north, Baker Street on the west, and Page Street Street on the south. 阿拉莫廣場 Alamo Square 每座城市都有因為當時時空背景所留下的建築,亞拉摩公園有六幢經常出現在舊金山明信片的維多利亞建築。來到亞拉摩公園,每一幢房子都可愛的像在童話故事裡。「六姐妹屋 Six Sisters」是許多人來到這必訪的建築,這六間房子是在某年舊金山8級大地震中,唯一沒受到影響的! 地址:Hayes & Scott Sts
The Castro District, commonly referred to as the Castro, is a neighborhood in Eureka Valley in San Francisco. The Castro was one of the first gay neighborhoods in the United States.[4][5] Having transformed from a working-class neighborhood through the 1960s and 1970s, the Castro remains one of the most prominent symbols of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) activism and events in the world. 卡斯楚街 Castro Street 以彩虹街道聞名的卡斯楚街!第二次世界大戰結束時,許多因為性向被除役的士兵們被安置在此,久而久之發展出自己的聚落,五彩斑斕的建築、各具特色的酒吧與商店、隨處可見飄揚的彩虹旗。這裡是美國LGBT人權運動的發源處,具有重要的歷史指標,來到舊金山一定要來朝聖一下!
Castro Street
Castro Street
The Castro District, commonly referred to as the Castro, is a neighborhood in Eureka Valley in San Francisco. The Castro was one of the first gay neighborhoods in the United States.[4][5] Having transformed from a working-class neighborhood through the 1960s and 1970s, the Castro remains one of the most prominent symbols of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) activism and events in the world. 卡斯楚街 Castro Street 以彩虹街道聞名的卡斯楚街!第二次世界大戰結束時,許多因為性向被除役的士兵們被安置在此,久而久之發展出自己的聚落,五彩斑斕的建築、各具特色的酒吧與商店、隨處可見飄揚的彩虹旗。這裡是美國LGBT人權運動的發源處,具有重要的歷史指標,來到舊金山一定要來朝聖一下!
The San Francisco Ferry Building is a terminal for ferries that travel across the San Francisco Bay, a food hall and an office building. It is located on The Embarcadero in San Francisco, California. 渡輪大廈 Ferry building 你以為渡輪大廈是個單純搭船的地方嗎?不不不!這裡可是集結舊金山美食的殿堂!渡輪大廈位在內河碼頭與市場街的交會處,是一個結合渡輪站和市集商場的地方,時尚的建築設計,從市場街你可以看到建築上方仿天主教堂的大型鐘樓,整點你可以聽到鐘聲。每的週二、週四、週六,都有農夫市集,可以挑選新鮮的當地食材,品嚐舊金山街頭小吃,已成舊金山人週六必去場所。 營業時間:周一~周五10:00-18:00 / 週六 09:00-18:00 / 週日 11:00-17:00 農夫市集:每周二、四10:00 – 14:00 / 周六 08:00 – 14:00(週六規模最大) 地址:Ferry Plaza Farmers Market – 1, Ferry Building, #50, San Francisco, CA 94111美國 交通:Market St.上的公車幾乎都可抵達渡輪大
189 locals recommend
Ferry Building
189 locals recommend
The San Francisco Ferry Building is a terminal for ferries that travel across the San Francisco Bay, a food hall and an office building. It is located on The Embarcadero in San Francisco, California. 渡輪大廈 Ferry building 你以為渡輪大廈是個單純搭船的地方嗎?不不不!這裡可是集結舊金山美食的殿堂!渡輪大廈位在內河碼頭與市場街的交會處,是一個結合渡輪站和市集商場的地方,時尚的建築設計,從市場街你可以看到建築上方仿天主教堂的大型鐘樓,整點你可以聽到鐘聲。每的週二、週四、週六,都有農夫市集,可以挑選新鮮的當地食材,品嚐舊金山街頭小吃,已成舊金山人週六必去場所。 營業時間:周一~周五10:00-18:00 / 週六 09:00-18:00 / 週日 11:00-17:00 農夫市集:每周二、四10:00 – 14:00 / 周六 08:00 – 14:00(週六規模最大) 地址:Ferry Plaza Farmers Market – 1, Ferry Building, #50, San Francisco, CA 94111美國 交通:Market St.上的公車幾乎都可抵達渡輪大
The Transamerica Pyramid is one of the most recognized buildings in the United States. Tallest building in San Francisco for 45 years; surpassed by Salesforce Tower in 2017. Tallest building in the United States west of the Mississippi River from 1972-1974; surpassed by the Aon Center in Los Angeles. Throughout its construction, the boarding surrounding the emerging site boldly boasted: A San Francisco landmark since 1972. Excavation commenced in December 1969, with the first steel placed in November 1970. First occupancy was during the summer of 1972. The foundation consists of a steel and concrete block that sits 52 feet underground and is designed to move during earthquakes. Components of the base include approximately 16,000 cubic yards of concrete, encasing more than 300 miles of steel reinforcement rods. The largest floor is the 5th, with 21,025 ft², while the 48th floor is the smallest, with only 2,025 ft². The top floor (48th) features a tenants-only conference room with 360-degree views of the city and bay. The 'wings' which start at the 29th floor are necessary near the top of the pyramid to support elevators on the east side and a stairwell and smoke tower on the west side. Only two elevators reach the top floor. The 'spire' is the upper 212 feet (64.6 meters), and is covered with vertically louvered aluminum panels. The lower portion of the spire encloses mechanical equipment. A virtual observation deck has four cameras at the very top of the spire pointed in all directions. In the lobby there are four monitors broadcasting the images 24 hours a day. The Pyramid lobby features the work of many artists through a rotating art exhibition. The exterior's quartz-aggregate panels are reinforced with connecting rods at four places on every floor, and the spacing between the panels allows lateral movement in case of an earthquake. During the 7.1-magnitude Bay Area earthquake in 1989, the top story swayed nearly a foot from side to side. With 3,678 windows it takes a month to wash them. Transamerica wanted a taller building (1,150 feet/350.5 meters) but the city planning commission would not approve it because it interfered with precious views of San Francisco Bay from Nob Hill. While the Pyramid is no longer the company headquarters, it serves as Transamerica's corporate logo and is strongly identified with the corporation. 泛美金字塔 Transamerica Pyramid 泛美金字塔是舊金山第二高的摩天大樓,金字塔式的後現代主義建築,共有48層,主要用途為商業和辦公。剛落成時,民眾普遍無法接受他的後現代風格,稱它為「地獄次出的利劍」,現在已成為舊金山著名地標之一。目前開放第27層樓,你可以遠眺整個舊金山市區、金門大橋、惡魔島等景點。 地址:600 Montgomery St, San Francisco
49 locals recommend
Transamerica Pyramid
600 Montgomery St
49 locals recommend
The Transamerica Pyramid is one of the most recognized buildings in the United States. Tallest building in San Francisco for 45 years; surpassed by Salesforce Tower in 2017. Tallest building in the United States west of the Mississippi River from 1972-1974; surpassed by the Aon Center in Los Angeles. Throughout its construction, the boarding surrounding the emerging site boldly boasted: A San Francisco landmark since 1972. Excavation commenced in December 1969, with the first steel placed in November 1970. First occupancy was during the summer of 1972. The foundation consists of a steel and concrete block that sits 52 feet underground and is designed to move during earthquakes. Components of the base include approximately 16,000 cubic yards of concrete, encasing more than 300 miles of steel reinforcement rods. The largest floor is the 5th, with 21,025 ft², while the 48th floor is the smallest, with only 2,025 ft². The top floor (48th) features a tenants-only conference room with 360-degree views of the city and bay. The 'wings' which start at the 29th floor are necessary near the top of the pyramid to support elevators on the east side and a stairwell and smoke tower on the west side. Only two elevators reach the top floor. The 'spire' is the upper 212 feet (64.6 meters), and is covered with vertically louvered aluminum panels. The lower portion of the spire encloses mechanical equipment. A virtual observation deck has four cameras at the very top of the spire pointed in all directions. In the lobby there are four monitors broadcasting the images 24 hours a day. The Pyramid lobby features the work of many artists through a rotating art exhibition. The exterior's quartz-aggregate panels are reinforced with connecting rods at four places on every floor, and the spacing between the panels allows lateral movement in case of an earthquake. During the 7.1-magnitude Bay Area earthquake in 1989, the top story swayed nearly a foot from side to side. With 3,678 windows it takes a month to wash them. Transamerica wanted a taller building (1,150 feet/350.5 meters) but the city planning commission would not approve it because it interfered with precious views of San Francisco Bay from Nob Hill. While the Pyramid is no longer the company headquarters, it serves as Transamerica's corporate logo and is strongly identified with the corporation. 泛美金字塔 Transamerica Pyramid 泛美金字塔是舊金山第二高的摩天大樓,金字塔式的後現代主義建築,共有48層,主要用途為商業和辦公。剛落成時,民眾普遍無法接受他的後現代風格,稱它為「地獄次出的利劍」,現在已成為舊金山著名地標之一。目前開放第27層樓,你可以遠眺整個舊金山市區、金門大橋、惡魔島等景點。 地址:600 Montgomery St, San Francisco
Madame Tussauds San Francisco is a wax museum located in Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco in California. The attraction opened on June 26, 2014 and became the 17th Madame Tussauds museum to open worldwide. The attraction features wax figures of famous figures from movies, music, politics, popular culture and sport. It also celebrates “The Spirit of San Francisco” with wax figures of local artists, musicians and activists from the city's past. 座落於舊金山漁人碼頭的杜莎夫人蠟像館,分別陳列著音樂、電影、體育、政界等不同領域的諸多名人:喬治·克隆尼、凱特·溫絲蕾、詹妮弗·安妮絲頓、安海·瑟薇、強尼·戴普、林書豪⋯⋯等等。看不到真人,看看如假換真的蠟像,也很幸福呢~ 開放時間:週日~週四 10:00 – 19:00 / 週五~週六 10:00 – 20:00 地址:145 Jefferson Street , San Francisco,
6 locals recommend
Madame Tussauds San Francisco
145 Jefferson St
6 locals recommend
Madame Tussauds San Francisco is a wax museum located in Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco in California. The attraction opened on June 26, 2014 and became the 17th Madame Tussauds museum to open worldwide. The attraction features wax figures of famous figures from movies, music, politics, popular culture and sport. It also celebrates “The Spirit of San Francisco” with wax figures of local artists, musicians and activists from the city's past. 座落於舊金山漁人碼頭的杜莎夫人蠟像館,分別陳列著音樂、電影、體育、政界等不同領域的諸多名人:喬治·克隆尼、凱特·溫絲蕾、詹妮弗·安妮絲頓、安海·瑟薇、強尼·戴普、林書豪⋯⋯等等。看不到真人,看看如假換真的蠟像,也很幸福呢~ 開放時間:週日~週四 10:00 – 19:00 / 週五~週六 10:00 – 20:00 地址:145 Jefferson Street , San Francisco,
Oracle Park is a baseball park located in the China Basin neighborhood of San Francisco, California. Since 2000, it has served as the home of the San Francisco Giants, the city's Major League Baseball (MLB) franchise. Originally named Pacific Bell Park, then SBC Park, then AT&T Park, the stadium's current name was adopted from the Oracle Corporation in 2019.[9] The park stands along the San Francisco Bay, a segment of which is named McCovey Cove in honor of former Giants player Willie McCovey. 棒球愛好者的你,來到舊金山,一定不能錯過AT&T球場——舊金山巨人隊的主場!蓋在舊金山海灣旁,在上層看臺區還可以一邊觀賞比賽一邊享受絕美海景。這裡還有遊客室內打擊練習場嘗試體驗棒球運動,這裡有兩個並排的擊球網籠,配置有自動發球機,盡情享受擊球的暢快感覺!有時間的話,就送給自己一場球賽吧! 地址:24 Willie Mays Plaza, San Francisco,
596 locals recommend
Oracle Park
24 Willie Mays Plaza
596 locals recommend
Oracle Park is a baseball park located in the China Basin neighborhood of San Francisco, California. Since 2000, it has served as the home of the San Francisco Giants, the city's Major League Baseball (MLB) franchise. Originally named Pacific Bell Park, then SBC Park, then AT&T Park, the stadium's current name was adopted from the Oracle Corporation in 2019.[9] The park stands along the San Francisco Bay, a segment of which is named McCovey Cove in honor of former Giants player Willie McCovey. 棒球愛好者的你,來到舊金山,一定不能錯過AT&T球場——舊金山巨人隊的主場!蓋在舊金山海灣旁,在上層看臺區還可以一邊觀賞比賽一邊享受絕美海景。這裡還有遊客室內打擊練習場嘗試體驗棒球運動,這裡有兩個並排的擊球網籠,配置有自動發球機,盡情享受擊球的暢快感覺!有時間的話,就送給自己一場球賽吧! 地址:24 Willie Mays Plaza, San Francisco,
The Twin Peaks are two prominent hills with an elevation of about 925 feet (282 m)[1] located near the geographic center of San Francisco, California. Only 928 foot (283 m) Mount Davidson is higher within the city.[ 雙子峰是兩座海拔300公尺左右的山丘,位在舊金山的西南方,有「印地安少女之乳」的別稱。是舊金山人看夜景的好去處,白天天氣晴朗時,可以眺望整個舊金山市景,將金門大橋囊括入袋。 地址:Christmas Tree point rd, San Francisco
727 locals recommend
Twin Peaks
727 locals recommend
The Twin Peaks are two prominent hills with an elevation of about 925 feet (282 m)[1] located near the geographic center of San Francisco, California. Only 928 foot (283 m) Mount Davidson is higher within the city.[ 雙子峰是兩座海拔300公尺左右的山丘,位在舊金山的西南方,有「印地安少女之乳」的別稱。是舊金山人看夜景的好去處,白天天氣晴朗時,可以眺望整個舊金山市景,將金門大橋囊括入袋。 地址:Christmas Tree point rd, San Francisco
Sausalito (Spanish for "small willow grove") is a city in Marin County, California, located 8 miles (13 km) south-southeast of San Rafael,land 4 miles (7 km) north of San Francisco 海灣小鎮索薩利托是舊金山灣區最古老的社區之一,二次大戰期間,這裡是主要的海軍造船廠,許多航海迷都會來到此處朝聖。這裡有著濃濃的地中海風情,典雅小店尋寶,坐在水岸咖啡廳享受遠離煙硝。你會無法置信距離舊金山市區的不遠處,搭個渡輪,20分鐘就來到一個歐洲小鎮。
317 locals recommend
317 locals recommend
Sausalito (Spanish for "small willow grove") is a city in Marin County, California, located 8 miles (13 km) south-southeast of San Rafael,land 4 miles (7 km) north of San Francisco 海灣小鎮索薩利托是舊金山灣區最古老的社區之一,二次大戰期間,這裡是主要的海軍造船廠,許多航海迷都會來到此處朝聖。這裡有著濃濃的地中海風情,典雅小店尋寶,坐在水岸咖啡廳享受遠離煙硝。你會無法置信距離舊金山市區的不遠處,搭個渡輪,20分鐘就來到一個歐洲小鎮。
Chase Center is an indoor arena in the Mission Bay neighborhood of San Francisco, California. The building is the home venue for the Golden State Warriors of the National Basketball Association (NBA) and occasionally for San Francisco Dons men's basketball. The Warriors, who have been located in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1962, played their home games at Oakland Arena in Oakland from 1971 to 2019. Chase Center opened on September 6, 2019, and seats 18,064 fans for Warriors games.
60 locals recommend
Chase Center
1 Warriors Way
60 locals recommend
Chase Center is an indoor arena in the Mission Bay neighborhood of San Francisco, California. The building is the home venue for the Golden State Warriors of the National Basketball Association (NBA) and occasionally for San Francisco Dons men's basketball. The Warriors, who have been located in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1962, played their home games at Oakland Arena in Oakland from 1971 to 2019. Chase Center opened on September 6, 2019, and seats 18,064 fans for Warriors games.