Unique things to do in Bacalar Lagoon

Unique things to do in Bacalar Lagoon

Book unforgettable activities hosted by locals on Airbnb.

Dive into lake life in Bacalar Lagoon

Sailing tour - Bacalar
We'll be waiting for you at the dock of Amura Restaurante 15 minutes before the tour. The captain will show up with the group and give the necessary information and instructions for the most of the experience. We'll board one of our 3 sailblats, Oliverio, Ixchel or Turix. ¡The adventure begins! We will start our tour by sailing the beautiful 7-color lagoon, we will continue in the direction of the Pirate Channel. Here will be our first stop and will have enough time to descend and swim in the allowed area. Time for a delicious fruit snack! We love to pamper you. That's why the captain will be waiting for you on the boat with a tray full of the best seasonal fruits. We will navigate the black cenote, where you can see the contrast of passing from a few meters to almost 100m deep in one step. We continue a journey to get to the Bird's Island, where swimming in warm and crystal clear water, will make you love Bacalar forever. Duration: 3 hours *Tour subject to change for wind and weather issues*
Enjoy the lagoon in a comfortable motorboat
We'll wait for you at the dock of "Amura restaurante" 15 minutes before the tour. The captain will show up with the group and give the necessary information and instructions to enjoy the experience. ¡The adventure begins! During this tour you can get to know the most important places of the lagoon of 7 colors. You will sail through the different cenotes (Black, Esmeralda and Cocalitos), swim in the crystal clear waters of the famous "Canal de los Piratas", and you will enjoy the calm and beauty of the Bird's Island, where you can see different species of local and migratory birds depending on the season. We love to spoil you. That's why the captain will wait for you on the boat with a snack with the best season fruit, water and a frozen beer.
Bacalar en Paddleboard
Siendo conscientes y respetuosos con nuestro entorno, exploraremos de una manera ecológica la Laguna de Bacalar. El Stand Up Paddleboard- SUP ,es una actividad que además de brindarte una experiencia inolvidable te permitirá preservar este mágico lugar. A bordo de una tabla de paddle, haremos un recorrido único y divertido para ti. Primero, nos veremos en nuestro punto de encuentro y haremos Check- in para poder corroborar tus datos. Después de presentarnos, tendremos una breve introducción a la técnica del remado en paddleboard, así como de las medidas de precaución que se deben tener durante la actividad A cada persona que asista se le brindará una chaleco salvavidas, una tabla de BUENA calidad y un remo Yo me encargaré de tomarte fotos, tú solo tendrás que preocuparte por disfrutar. El Tour tiene diferentes puntos de descanso para tomar un refrigerio o solamente para disfrutar el paisaje,nadar. Durante el tour te contaré sobre la importancia de los mantos acuíferos, cenotes, aves y el medio ambiente.
Sailing Tour Bacalar/ Laguna Adventures
La experiencia consta de un tour en una cómoda y segura embarcación tipo velero monocasco a lo largo de nuestra hermosa Laguna de los 7 colores de Bacalar, en el cual los participantes podrán disfrutar y conocer los lugares más interesantes y relevantes dentro de la laguna, durante un tiempo de 3 horas, pudiendo seleccionar entre los horarios de las 11 am o las 3 pm, acompañados en todo momento por nuestros colaboradores; los capitanes y marineros, quienes son unos profesionales oriundos de Bacalar, quienes harán que disfrutes de ésta magnífica aventura. El recorrido inicia en el cenote esmeralda, el cenote más extenso de la laguna, con una increíble vista desde la torre mirador de nuestra marina, acto seguido navegarán a lo largo de la laguna, admirando la belleza de las diferentes tonalidades de la laguna; posteriormente visitan el cenote negro, considerado el más profundo de la Laguna, además visitan la isla de las aves, en la cual podrán observar variedad de aves y vegetación de la zona, en la que tendrán un espacio para nadar, disfrutar de la fruta fresca de temporada, 2 cervezas, agua y hielo. El tour continúa con la visita del histórico canal de los piratas o en su caso, de la zona sur de la laguna, en donde las aguas son aún más cristalinas y azules, teniendo un segundo espacio para nadar y relajarse aún más, y posteriormente finalizar en nuestro punto de inicio.
Meet the Mayan Bees with Hydromel Tasting
In this unique experience that is offered in this zone, you will have the opportunity to learn about the origin and history of Meliponiculture in the Mayan culture, as well as about the different species of native Bees of the American Continent that inhabit the surroundings. In the same way, you will have the opportunity to interact with some hives for honey / pollen extraction, all of course with the previous knowledge acquired and the respective safety equipment. It is really important to emphasize that Meliponini Bees (Stingless Bees) do NOT have a stinger and are very sociable. Finally you will have an invitation for a yummy tasting of honey, pollen, wax and the sacred drink of the Mayans: Honey Hydromel Mead. The whole experience is hosted in a private spot on the shore of the beautiful Xul-Ha lagoon (southern end of the Bacalar lagoon complex) with an extraordinary view.

Activities near top attractions

Fuerte San Felipe Bacalar115 locals recommend
La Playita100 locals recommend
Cenote Azul75 locals recommend
El Manatí Bacalar49 locals recommend
El Canal De Los Piratas Bacalar34 locals recommend
Cocalitos "The sanctuary of stromatolites"19 locals recommend

All activities near Bacalar Lagoon

Sailing tour - Bacalar
We'll be waiting for you at the dock of Amura Restaurante 15 minutes before the tour. The captain will show up with the group and give the necessary information and instructions for the most of the experience. We'll board one of our 3 sailblats, Oliverio, Ixchel or Turix. ¡The adventure begins! We will start our tour by sailing the beautiful 7-color lagoon, we will continue in the direction of the Pirate Channel. Here will be our first stop and will have enough time to descend and swim in the allowed area. Time for a delicious fruit snack! We love to pamper you. That's why the captain will be waiting for you on the boat with a tray full of the best seasonal fruits. We will navigate the black cenote, where you can see the contrast of passing from a few meters to almost 100m deep in one step. We continue a journey to get to the Bird's Island, where swimming in warm and crystal clear water, will make you love Bacalar forever. Duration: 3 hours *Tour subject to change for wind and weather issues*
Enjoy the lagoon in a comfortable motorboat
We'll wait for you at the dock of "Amura restaurante" 15 minutes before the tour. The captain will show up with the group and give the necessary information and instructions to enjoy the experience. ¡The adventure begins! During this tour you can get to know the most important places of the lagoon of 7 colors. You will sail through the different cenotes (Black, Esmeralda and Cocalitos), swim in the crystal clear waters of the famous "Canal de los Piratas", and you will enjoy the calm and beauty of the Bird's Island, where you can see different species of local and migratory birds depending on the season. We love to spoil you. That's why the captain will wait for you on the boat with a snack with the best season fruit, water and a frozen beer.
Explore cenotes and history in bacalar
La experiencia incluye transporte Marítimo el cual nos permite llegar a los cenotes donde se narra hacerca de su formación, profundidad, estructura, se hacen inmerciones de snorkel para poder apreciar sus paredes, flora y fauna. Al llegar a la zona de estromatolito se explica su formación, la importancia de cuidarlos por los beneficios que ellos aportan a la laguna. En la zona de manglar se describe su importancia para el ecosistema lagunar, donde podremos observar aves migratorias y de la region, en esta parte de la experiencia nos tomaremos un tiempo para degustar un poco de fruta de temporada, al visitar el canal por donde se comunica la laguna hacia el mar. Comentando la historia naval que ocurrió en la época de la piratearía en bacalar, poniendo énfasis en la construcción del fuerte que defendió al pueblo de los ataques de piratas, y las rutas de comercio tanto españolas como inglesas. Por ultimo se visita un área en la que se puede ver la presencia de un humedal, describiendo por que es importante conservarlo para preservar el habitad de la flora y fauna del lugar. Otros aspectos destacables En todo momento el trato es personalizado. Y me adapto a las abilidades y aptitudes de cada viajero.
Sail Away- Hobie Cat Tour Bacalar
Sail away with us - come as Guest and leave as a friend. Small Groups, a 100% sailing Experience and Margaritas makes a perfect day in Paradise. We sail to the principal points of the lagoon: Pirate Channal, Birds Island, Cenote Negro and Cenote Esmeralda. From there we bring you to most beautiful part of the lagoon. Far away from other boats we enjoy the lagoon at her best. The Catamaran is a Hobie Cat Getaway - a boat made for races with space for six Guest. This Model is as fast as the “younger” brothers (Hobie Cat Wave, Hobie Cat 16), but way more confortable, safe and is promising fun for every age.
Clase de Salsa a orilla de la laguna - Margarita & Guacamole
Te daremos la bienvenida a @villalagunabuenaonda.37 nuestro hogar a orilla de la Laguna y con una vista increíble a las islas de las aves y de la pasión. Llegando te ofreceremos un cóctel de bienvenida para presentarnos y platicaremos sobre su experiencia en el baile para ir viendo como manejar la sesión. Daremos una clase de salsa para aprender a bailar y moverse con el ritmo latino. También, veremos lo que podemos mejorar y perfeccionar. Empezaremos con un calentamiento y con unos ejercicios sencillos para aprender los pasos fundamentales y estar en ritmo con la música. Después, aplicaremos lo mismo en pareja para seguir compartiendo con otras personas cambiando de compañero/a varias veces para sentir diferentes conexiones. Dependiendo de cómo nos sentimos, añadiremos diferentes movimientos bailando y evoluaremos tomando en cuenta nuestras aptitudes. Al final de la clase, repetiremos todo desde el inicio y tomaremos fotos y videos para tener recuerdos bonitos de alegría y amistades. Compartiremos el guacamole de la casa hecho con mucho amor y platicaremos sobre nuestras sensaciones durante la experiencia. Será un gran placer poder organizar una noche de baile juntos en los bares bonitos de Bacalar que ofrecen música en vivo para practicar lo que hemos aprendido. Aprenderás a bailar y moverte con los ritmos latinos en un ambiente tropical y amistoso. Jessica y Yanis
Bacalar en Paddleboard
Siendo conscientes y respetuosos con nuestro entorno, exploraremos de una manera ecológica la Laguna de Bacalar. El Stand Up Paddleboard- SUP ,es una actividad que además de brindarte una experiencia inolvidable te permitirá preservar este mágico lugar. A bordo de una tabla de paddle, haremos un recorrido único y divertido para ti. Primero, nos veremos en nuestro punto de encuentro y haremos Check- in para poder corroborar tus datos. Después de presentarnos, tendremos una breve introducción a la técnica del remado en paddleboard, así como de las medidas de precaución que se deben tener durante la actividad A cada persona que asista se le brindará una chaleco salvavidas, una tabla de BUENA calidad y un remo Yo me encargaré de tomarte fotos, tú solo tendrás que preocuparte por disfrutar. El Tour tiene diferentes puntos de descanso para tomar un refrigerio o solamente para disfrutar el paisaje,nadar. Durante el tour te contaré sobre la importancia de los mantos acuíferos, cenotes, aves y el medio ambiente.
Sightsee Bacalar & Explore Stunning Lagoon Views and Murals
A laid-back overview ride through town is the best way to experience Bacalar. A great way to see parts of the city you might otherwise miss; consider this experience an introduction to what to see, eat & do. Highlighting stunning lagoon sights and the most colorful street art in town, my bike ride into magical Bacalar's streets uncover its hidden gems on hight quality same year maintained bikes. I'll give you tips on where to go, where to spend more time, what to skip and where to experience the culinary and artistic beauty of this gem of a city. I emphasize seeing hidden murals off-the-beaten path and discover all corners of Bacalar. I want guests to leave with a deeper appreciation of Bacalar because they interacted with the land and understood the true makeup of the town all while learning the best spots to fit your travel style. We’ll stop at several spots to capture the beauty of the lagoon and can take pictures of you and your family as a compliment to the experience at select classic photo spots (at your request). I want you to feel like you just rode with a friend. Hasta Pronto!
Sailing Tour Bacalar/ Laguna Adventures
La experiencia consta de un tour en una cómoda y segura embarcación tipo velero monocasco a lo largo de nuestra hermosa Laguna de los 7 colores de Bacalar, en el cual los participantes podrán disfrutar y conocer los lugares más interesantes y relevantes dentro de la laguna, durante un tiempo de 3 horas, pudiendo seleccionar entre los horarios de las 11 am o las 3 pm, acompañados en todo momento por nuestros colaboradores; los capitanes y marineros, quienes son unos profesionales oriundos de Bacalar, quienes harán que disfrutes de ésta magnífica aventura. El recorrido inicia en el cenote esmeralda, el cenote más extenso de la laguna, con una increíble vista desde la torre mirador de nuestra marina, acto seguido navegarán a lo largo de la laguna, admirando la belleza de las diferentes tonalidades de la laguna; posteriormente visitan el cenote negro, considerado el más profundo de la Laguna, además visitan la isla de las aves, en la cual podrán observar variedad de aves y vegetación de la zona, en la que tendrán un espacio para nadar, disfrutar de la fruta fresca de temporada, 2 cervezas, agua y hielo. El tour continúa con la visita del histórico canal de los piratas o en su caso, de la zona sur de la laguna, en donde las aguas son aún más cristalinas y azules, teniendo un segundo espacio para nadar y relajarse aún más, y posteriormente finalizar en nuestro punto de inicio.
Meet the Mayan Bees with Hydromel Tasting
In this unique experience that is offered in this zone, you will have the opportunity to learn about the origin and history of Meliponiculture in the Mayan culture, as well as about the different species of native Bees of the American Continent that inhabit the surroundings. In the same way, you will have the opportunity to interact with some hives for honey / pollen extraction, all of course with the previous knowledge acquired and the respective safety equipment. It is really important to emphasize that Meliponini Bees (Stingless Bees) do NOT have a stinger and are very sociable. Finally you will have an invitation for a yummy tasting of honey, pollen, wax and the sacred drink of the Mayans: Honey Hydromel Mead. The whole experience is hosted in a private spot on the shore of the beautiful Xul-Ha lagoon (southern end of the Bacalar lagoon complex) with an extraordinary view.
Women Produced Artisanal Mezcal Tasting
You will encounter an exquisite selection of five different mezcals produced by women from small comunities in Oaxaca, Durango and Puebla. Each mezcal to taste comes with its own detailed story, facts about their region, agave cooking and distillation processes. The tasting takes place at an outdoor restaurant (Noru) on the shore of the lagoon with surrounded by jungle. A Japanese-Mexican fusion food menu is offered optionally á la carte.
Mexican cooking class with homemade seasoning and love
Mexican home-cooked food is pure love, colors, and magic First we create with you a two course menu: entree / main course / dessert. Our adventure begins at the Bacalar Municipal Market (morning hours) where we find local producers offering their beautiful harvests: fruits, vegetables, seeds, herbs, chiles, spices, flowers, and more. We do our groceries together. Then we go to the place where we feed our heart. A beautiful kitchen in the jungle surrounded by fruit trees, ceibas and life. We have the guide to make tortillas by hand and ancient recipes full of flavor, tradition and culture. Of course we got together to enjoy the delights we created. The ingredients, cooking equipment, food + traditional beverage are included. The experience can be held in English and French or Spanish at the same time. ↠ Ask about our special Mexican saucesclass ↞
Sailboat Bacalar cono, canal pirate, bird island and cenotes
Discover the magic of Bacalar aboard our beautiful sailboat! Enjoy a unique and unforgettable experience in the lagoon, while sailing to incredible places such as the Black Cenote, the Canal de los Piratas, the Isla de los Pájaros and the impressive Esmeralda Cenote. In our sailboat you can relax and enjoy a comfortable and safe stay, ideal for couples and families. While sailing, we invite you to taste fresh tropical fruit, so that you feel energized and refreshed. Also, our team is composed of natives of Bacalar, which guarantees an authentic and local experience. Don't miss your chance to admire the beauty of Bacalar from another perspective, and immerse yourself in the local culture with us!!!!!!!!!!! Ask about our special schedule to see the sunrise and enjoy the magic of Bacalar from an privileged view. We are waiting for you aboard our sailboat!
Snorkel experience with La Leyenda ECO-Tours in Costa Maya
Welcome to La Leyenda ECO-TOURS and a unique ecological experience of the Great Mesoamerican Reef here in Mahahual. You and your group will have a snorkeling adventure in areas of the second largest coral reef system in the world. Our tour begins at our boat, "La Leyenda", on the shore in front of "Hotel 40 Cañones". Here we'll have a short introduction where we'll suit up with our life vests and snorkeling equipment. Then, we're ready to begin with a beautiful boat ride along the Caribbean coastline to reach our selected snorkeling locations. We select the best sites based on weather and water conditions so that you have the opportunity to experience a beautiful underwater world, snorkeling with impressive marine life species in a bright, clear area of the Caribbean Sea. We provide snacks, sports drinks, water, and beer, which also includes our own La Leyenda Craft Beer. Our tour ends at our launch area in front of "Hotel 40 Cañones" once again. After your trip you can relax on the beach and use our kayak and paddle boards. Our area of sargassum-free beach is right alongside “Hotel 40 Cañones." Hotel 40 Cañones beach club access can be provided at an additional cost. Our tour is offered in Spanish and in English! Contact us at any time if you have any questions. *Nature is unpredictable, so any cancellations we must make due to weather/sea conditions are 100% refunded.
Nourish yourself - Magic Yoga class & Reiki energy treatment
You will have a private Yoga class with the secrets of adjustments to deepen your practice. You can choose your class Vinyasa , Yin or Restorative or Yoga Nidra and will have a guided meditation . After class you will receive a delightful Reiki Energy Treatment. Be prepared to enter a state of balance, bliss and relaxation .
Transform the cacao seed into authentic chocolate
Once you know the Kakaw, learn how to make chocolate in the most traditional way. We share ancestral knowledge of the cacao preparation; from the seed to chocolate. Appreciating its delicious stories of one of the most nutritious foods that boasted the flowering of Mesoamerican cultures. An experience to honor grandmas while preserving their lessons and medicine. The cocoa shot to reconnect with spirituality, the sacred and our roots. First, we select the cutest seeds and continue with an artisanal roast to activate its various flavors and scents. Then grind it in the most traditional and delicate way to do it, in a hand mill, so we created the typical homemade chocolate. At the mill we can choose the flavor and sweetness of our cacao, totally bitter like the original, bitter or sweet. We'll taste the special processes of cocoa until it's transformed into chocolate bars. And the final touch, we will cook the ancestral drink: traditional chocolate. The dream of taking home the experience of creating chocolate that you made with your own hands in the oldest and most authentic way of the region.
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  2. Mexico
  3. Quintana Roo
  4. Bacalar Lagoon