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Fun activities and travel hacks for flying with the kids

March 15, 2024 • 4 min read
Traveling with the kids or a baby on a plane can feel overwhelming — not even adults like being cramped in a tiny seat at 30,000 feet for very long. But don’t fret, we’ve clocked countless hours flying the family-friendly skies, so check out our best travel tips and tricks from take off to touch down.

Points of interest

  • Bring a variety of small toys for babies and toddlers to play with
  • Paper crafts and compact games are great for older kids
  • Be prepared for naps — kids, even older ones, often fall asleep on planes
Top-down view of a toddler finger painting at the feet of her parents.

Traveling with a baby or toddler on a plane

If you’re traveling with a little one under two, you’ll want plenty of ways to keep their attention from takeoff to landing. Here are some ideas.
  • Feed your baby. Breastfeeding or bottle feeding is a perfect way to keep your baby occupied. At takeoff and landing it has the added benefit of clearing their ears so they don’t hurt as much with the air pressure change.

  • Don’t forget the snacks. Pack some baby-friendly snacks if your little one is on solids, whether they like dry cereal or puree pouches.

  • Sing, bounce, and peekaboo. Some bouncing and peekaboo (even with the folks in the seat behind you if they are friendly) is essential for babies. It can help during boarding or deboarding the plane when there is a lot of commotion that might feel overwhelming.

  • Take a walk. Yes, there’s a reason why parents walk up and down the aisle with their little ones, either in a carrier or just behind as they crawl or toddle along. It’s a great way to keep them happily in motion.

  • Bring toys with flashing lights or bright colors. You might need exciting toys to really capture your child’s attention with all the stimuli around. While wooden toys and plush animals are great, toys with bright lights and colors may be just what the captain ordered.

  • Be nap ready. If you can, plan your flight around when your child will be napping — regular nap time during the day or red eye flights are a good bet. And be sure to bring a lap pillow and blanket if you can manage.

Traveling with older children on planes

Once your child is beyond the toddler phase, they might need a little more entertainment and stimulation in flight. So get creative while you’re on the plane together — and take some of the things you love to do at home in the air. (We’ve even got some advice for what to pack in your carry-on.)
  • Learn something new together. Yes, the flight is about getting to your destination — but it can also be the perfect chance to try out a new hobby together. Choose a compact activity the kids have always wanted to do — like a simple craft for toddlers or origami for older kids.

  • Sink their battleship. Pack a fun game that will take their mind off the flight. Go Fish is perfect for early elementary-aged kids, and Battleship is a great pick for older kids.

  • Bring a tablet along. Or use the console the airplane provides. If there’s ever a moment to bend on screen time, it’s on a long flight. Try a family-friendly movie or a couple episodes of a classic show. It’s a good idea to download shows and movies in advance so you’re not dependent on pricey and spotty in-flight Wifi.

  • Read up a storm. Bring a couple books — preferably well-loved classics or something new and interactive like sticker and activity books.

  • Plan fun things for your destination. Talk about all the fun to come on your trip ahead! Make printouts for the flight of things in the area they might enjoy and plan a few highlights for your time away, together.

  • Let the kids pack. Consider letting your child pack their own carry-on bag with a ziplock of snacks and some favorite toys, coloring supplies, books, etc. The independence of being able to grab what they need and snack at their leisure will go a long way toward in-flight happiness.
A toddler pushes a play cart around the park as her little brother looks on.
Remember, you’ll be fine no matter what happens during your travels. These ideas can help keep your kids happy — but know that meltdowns do happen. Many people on your flight have probably flown with a child before and will be compassionate about any hiccups or noises along the way.
A baby is being held by her mom while holding hands with her older sister.

Up next...

How to fly with a baby without losing your cool (or your mind)

Flying with an infant means rethinking how to pack and plan.