Historic site

Studenica Monastery

17 locals recommend
Unnamed Road

Tips from locals

February 15, 2014
UNESCO World Heritage Site
November 19, 2018
UNESCO World Heritage site
May 18, 2020
Studenica Monastery is one of the oldest and largest Serbian medieval monasteries. It is 60 km away from Kraljevo. At the 50th kilometer from the town in the town of Ušće, which is located on the main road leading to Novi Pazar, turn right and continue for another 11 km on the asphalt road to the monastery. Studenica is the endowment of the great prefect Stefan Nemanja, the founder of the Serbian state and the ancestor of the powerful ruling Nemanjić dynasty. Under the tutelage of his son Sava, who was also the abbot of the monastery and the first Serbian archbishop, Studenica became the cultural, spiritual and medical center of medieval Serbia. In Studenica are the bridges of Stefan Nemanja and his sons Vukan and Stefan the First-Crowned. The monastery was built in a mixed Romanesque and Byzantine style, the combination of which produced a new architectural expression known as the Raska school. The walls are built of white marble and look really monumental. The frescoes painted by one of the best Byzantine painters at that time are especially interesting. In addition to the Church of the Mother of God, the monastery complex also includes the church of St. Nicholas, then a stone dining room built in the time of Saint Sava, a large bell tower from the 13th century, as well as the remains of several smaller churches. To the north of the dining room are the lodgings where the treasury of student treasures is located. The monastery has been under UNESCO protection since 1986. Manastir Studenica jedan je od najstarijih i najvećih srpskih srednjovekovnih manastira. Udaljen je 60 km od Kraljeva. Na 50. kilometru od grada u varošici Ušće, koja se nalazi na magistralnom putu koji vodi ka Novom Pazaru skreće se u desno i nastavlja još 11 km asfaltiranim putem do manastira. Studenica je zadužbina velikog župana Stefana Nemanje, utemeljivača srpske države i rodonačelnika moćne vladarske dinastije Nemanjića. Pod starateljstvom njegovog sina Save koji je bio I iguman manastira i prvi srpski arhiepiskop, Studenica postaje kulturni, duhovni i medicinski centar srednjovekovne Srbije. U Studenici se nalaze mosti Stefana Nemanje i njegovih sinova Vukana i Stefana Prvovenčanog. Manastir je građen mešovitim romaničkim i vizantijskim stilom čiji je splet proizveo novi arhitektonski izraz poznat pod nazivom raška škola. Zidovi su sagradjeni od belog mermera i izgledaju zaista monumentalno. Posebno su zanimljive freske koje je slikao u to vreme jedan od najboljih vizantijskih slikara. Pored Bogorodičine crkve manastirski kompleks obuhvata I crkvu Nikoljaču, zatim kamenu trpezariju izgrađenu u vreme Svetog Save, veliki zvonik iz 13. veka, kao i ostatke nekoliko manjih crkva. Severno od trpezarije su konaci u kojima se nalazi riznica studeničkog blaga. Manastir je od 1986. godine pod zaštitom UNESKO-a.
Studenica Monastery is one of the oldest and largest Serbian medieval monasteries. It is 60 km away from Kraljevo. At the 50th kilometer from the town in the town of Ušće, which is located on the main road leading to Novi Pazar, turn right and continue for another 11 km on the asphalt road to the m…
November 9, 2018
Das Kloster Studenica wird als die Wiege des serbischen Königreiches angesehen. Neben dem Athos-Kloster Hilandar und der Bischofskirche des Klosters Žiča ist es eines der drei serbisch-orthodoxen Klöster die den Ehrentitel Lawra tragen.
February 13, 2019
Istorisko-kulturnog nasledja

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